Politiche di qualità

The system established to manage quality within USB Certification underpins our success in meeting both quality and business objectives. USB Certification has policies and strategic objectives to deliver services within the timeframe agreed with the client. Our reputation is maintained by providing effective services through active participation in the implementation and continuous improvement of processes and the Quality Management System, adhering to our values of Respect, Confidentiality, Impartiality and Independence, as well as operating in a safe, healthy and environmentally friendly environment.

The quality policy of our laboratory is to provide accurate, reliable and timely analysis services to its customers in line with the general policy of USB Certification. In order to ensure high quality in our analysis services, the senior management continuously improves the effectiveness of the management system by implementing a system in accordance with TS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017. Tests and analyses are performed in accordance with specified methods and customer requirement.

Better Cotton Conference 2025 ​

18 - 19 June | İzmir, Türkiye & Online
